Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Adventures in cookie making

At some point yesterday, my eldest step-daughter once again saw the giant bag of chocolate chips that we have (you can never be too prepared) and suggested (demanded) that we make cookies today. This was after another bout of clothes shopping (I really, really hate shopping for women's clothing because it's either cheaply made or non-functional; if I had the time, I'd consider making more of it myself just so I didn't have to deal with the annoyance of shopping), a trip to the library (we found All the Doctor Who books...and checked them out) and dinner. All of this was after I'd worked a crazy kind of day so my brain wasn't in the correct place to really function, but I had promised cookies.

The first thing we (read I) did was make the dough for some homemade Jammie Dodgers (which I've misspelling all over the internet...I'm tired, leave me along). Once that was made and put into the freezer to chill, we started on the chocolate chip cookies.

My youngest step-daughter is currently not allowed to eat chocolate which has led to a lot of whining and moaning and comments on how she was going to get more of the Jammie dodgers because she can't have the chocolate. I, however, had a plan. After the dough was mixed, I split it into two containers and added white chocolate to half of it. I then had the eldest the chocolate chips to the other half. All of the chips, as in, a full batch worth of chips. She asked if this was correct multiple times and I assured her that it was correct. Silly me.

We ended up with this:

The best part? It took me way too long to figure out what happened. My step-daughter even explained it to me and I didn't get it. I have no idea when the light bulb finally went on but it was certainly a slow one. At least they are still edible. Reminds me of a birthday cake I was once given that sort of....exploded into a platter filled with 5 pounds of chocolaty goodness.

Once these were out of the oven and "cooling", we moved onto the jammie dodgers. Most of our cookie cutters are holiday themed in nature. Something about making sugar cookies around the holidays.... I had decided to make them heart shaped because that was the least...cold related cookie cutter we had that wouldn't also break it's neck (eldest step-daughter has a thing for giraffes and got a giraffe shaped cookie cutter for her birthday). I didn't have a smaller cutter to make a window in the top cookie. At first we were going to just leave it and throw caution to the wind as far as the recipe was concerned. Then I commented how cool it would be to have a keyhole opening because we could then call them Kingdom Hearts jammie dodgers. And so we started to carve out keyholes in half of the cookies. Well, mostly half of the cookies. The youngest made a face for one of the cookies. I don't know why but I have learned to not question almost-9-year-olds anymore. It's safer that way.

So after much silliness and giggling (and some fighting and trying to talk to Husband), we baked some jammie dodgers. About half ended up with raspberry jam and the other half got blood orange marmalade. I just hope the girls crashed from all the sugar and are now sleeping.

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