Monday, August 25, 2014

YOP #2.8 or What Do You Mean It's the End of August??

This past week has been amazingly light on knitting. There was a lot of fun at work (I do mean this sincerely) while I attended some tech classes. I made connections and learned all kinds of fun lighting things. I didn't haul my knitting around. This is probably mostly because I was still annoyed with all of my knitting projects.

It's also been stupid hot and humid. We've not had a lot of it this summer but it definitely doesn't encourage me to knit.

I did clean my craft room, which was long overdue. Between parties and searching for things and home improvement projects, things just kept getting shoved into the room. I spent Saturday evening cleaning it up and it's lovely again! There may have been yarn petting as well....

Once the room was clean, I also decided to cast on one of the August Cookie A projects. I'd love to be able to finish it before the next shipment but it's ALREADY THE LAST WEEK OF THE MONTH!! How did that happen? I've not knit nearly enough things nor have a read everyone's everything (blog posts, forum posts, etc.). At least my anxiety is more in control otherwise I might actually be freaking out right now.

Last night, we went out and saw the Guardians of the Galaxy and on the way to the movie theater, I did knit a row and a bit of the Browncoat Top. Less than 3 rows and the lace section will be done! According to the diagram, this is suppose to be 8" long. I did a swatch and got the right gauge but this isn't 8". I'm hoping it blocks out to be that long...

Works in Progress

Thursday, August 21, 2014

YOP #2.7 or Work Gets in the Way

Posting after Sunday seems to be a thing for me. At least I'm posting.

Last week was rough. I was still annoyed with my two smaller projects (though someone suggested how to place a life-line in the sock, which I'm forever grateful for). Add onto it what we did at work. I can no longer remember why but we seemed to think it would be a good idea to clean our dance floor at work. There are 6 pieces that are 5 feet wide and 40 feet long. It was a lot of scrubbing on hands and knees. The next morning, I was exhausted.

I didn't knit anything until Thursday morning. I spent Thursday and Friday attending the Global Leadership Summit. My church was a host site and I had volunteered to run the lights. I brought my knitting along because it's hard to go anywhere without my knitting. I brought the Browncoat because it was in the least amount of trouble. I took a lot of notes during the sessions but I also managed to knit a lot. There was down time and times where I just needed to keep my hands busy.

I did manage to get nearly done with the lace section. There's only about 4 rows left.

Of course, it was then opening weekend of the Renaissance Festival and I simply won't bring my knitting out there. It is way too dirty.

The fact that I'm just getting this posted on Thursday should probably say a lot about how my week has been going. Hopefully I'll have something to write about on Sunday!

Works in Progress

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

YOP #2.6 or This Is What Happens When You Ground All Your Projects

This last week, I did manage to get some work done on all 3 projects. However, I also felt like grounding all of them.

I got to see my friend who will be receiving the Mint Twist socks. I had her try the finished one on and discovered that the heel flap isn't quite long enough. I happened to be on the heel flap of the second sock, so it was easy to add to that heel flap. The semi-perfectionist in me knows that I'm going to pull out the stitches on the other sock to make the heel flap longer. I want to finish (or at least get further on the foot) the 2nd sock and have it tried on before I frog the foot of the 1st sock. It does make it hard to want to work on it though. I got through turning the heel and it's just been sitting there, mocking me. I don't know how I'm going to frog the foot of the 1st one and not loose any stitches. It's a rather lacy pattern. I'm sure somewhere on the internet, there is something that will tell me what to do. I just haven't felt like looking it up.

Husband's gloves got frogged eventually. They are even back on the needles and I've started doing the thumb gusset. But I don't want to deal with it when I go out (I usually always have a knitting bag with me). It spent most of the week going places with me, mocking me that it needed to be frogged.

The Browncoat Top is fairing alright but it's not one that I feel can travel to and from work very well. It's larger and while the pattern is fairly simple, I like checking it every now and then. This was the least frustrating project but it does seem like it's taking forever. I do have less than 3 repeats of the lace section left.

So none of the projects were really grounded but they might as well have been for how much I worked on them. And of course, this month's Cookie A yarn came and I really just want to cast something on with it and ignore my other projects.

Works in Progress

Sunday, August 3, 2014

YOP #2.5 or Really, Gauge is Important

This week I've been pretty project monogamous. I've not had the time sitting and watching things that allow for mindless knitting. I keep remembering that I should finish the Mint Twist socks, but they have become my back-up project. The leg is nearly done (over 3/4 of the way there!) but I keep being drawn to Husband's driving gloves.

After realizing that the new tighter knitting on the color ribbing wasn't going to fit, I frogged it and started over on much larger needles. I got the band to the correct size and went down one needle size for the rest of the glove. One day, I will learn to listen to my gut feeling. As I looked at the needles I was pulling out, part of my brain pointed out that I should really go back down the 3 (or so) needle sizes to what I had originally been knitting on as that would get me my gauge. Not that I've done a gauge swatch, but that's what my gut feeling was trying to tell me.

I happily started knitting and learned how to do intarsia in the round. The yarn for this project was bought almost a year ago. It's taken me this long to start it because it's been really intimidating. This isn't simply a "take this pattern and make it for me" but a "this is what I want, can you figure out the pattern for me" sort of of project. I had little experience with intarsia to begin with and it seemed silly to have one's first project be in the round. I'm glad I leveled up in my knitting skills before I started this one.

Yesterday, I finished the thumb gusset. I pulled those stitches off onto a stitch holder and got Husband to put the glove on his hand.

It was big and not just a little big. It was a lot big. I stuffed the project back in my bag and left my knitting in the car as we were on our way to see a fringe show. As we spent the rest of the day going between activities, I pulled out the Mint Twist sock instead of frogging the glove. For some reason, I feel that frogging the glove in a moving vehicle was a bad idea. It ended up being a pleasant day (one event we went to was the same one that we had met at 3 years ago) and a lot of fun though I knew I'd have to frog the glove. Again. At least this time, I should only have to frog it to the wrist band.

Before I frog it, I did take some lovely pictures of it on my hand.

Black palm, grey top because gloves aren't hard enough.

I probably could have fit both of my hands if I had tried.

Friday night, while I was working a show and knitting on the glove, I thought it would be fun to capture what it is like for me to knit at work. Thankfully my phone has a timer. It took several shots and below is the best one.

What you don't see: the musicians on stage.

This photo was lit only by the dim house light and the work light I have at my position. I'm also in full blacks. The music was phenomenal. It was a concert by the Young Musicians of Minnesota. This is a student run group that is striving to promote classical music to young musicians. It was truly a remarkable concert and a lot of fun to work. It's also nice to have such great music being played live while I knit.

Works in Progress