Wednesday, November 5, 2014

YOP#2.18 or Being an Adult is Hard

Not a ton of knitting this past week. A lot of time was spent giving up my craft room. You read that correctly. I decided to let my oldest step-daughter move into my craft room so she would have her own room. It hasn't been easy for me and while Husband will point out that I do most of my crafting elsewhere, it was my space. He had built it for me. Technically he built a nook in the room for me but we refinished it for me and my use. It has my sense of color and lighting. The ceiling is a beautiful blue and white that he thought I was mad to have him paint until he saw a sunrise in it. I don't see many sunrises but I knew what it would look like based on my past experiences with lighting. And now someone else is in it.

So I spent a lot of last week preparing to move things out and around in the room. Some things are staying (my supplies in my nook for example) but most things have moved out. It's been hard for me because most of the moving happened while I was working a choir rehearsal (I agreed to do the rehearsal so I wouldn't have to work the concert and I did get some knitting done during that). In hindsight, I would have insisted that they wait to move the bookcases until I got home as there's been a bit of drama around them. I think it would have helped me with the changes. I really don't like change. At all. I take it as a sign of huge growth that I didn't break down bawling when one of our staff members at work left this past summer. I cried when I left my last job and I hated my last job. In college, I was a music major and had to play in the concert band, which is required to play at graduation. At the end of my sophomore year when a good friend of mine was graduating, I was a horrible mess. It was amazing I could play my flute at all. My professor looked at me and asked what was going to happen when I graduated. I said I would cry a lot and I did. I believe I spent the last 2 months of college crying off and on at random points.


The knitting I did get done was to cast on a new project. It's a test knit for someone I've knit for in the past. It's to do a single sock and rate the pattern. It's a lovely pattern and I will have the pair done eventually but I needed a palette cleanser with my projects. It's been a fast knit and I'm almost done with the leg. I probably would be farther along if it wasn't for tonight's show...Contemporary music has never really been my thing and it's not something I can just tune out and knit to. I have to pay attention to call lighting cues, which is the part I enjoy the most.

So no real progress on the other projects. Of course, if I managed to update on Sunday, I would probably feel like I had more to write but between roller derby, work and real life drama, sitting down at the computer on a Sunday is hard to do. The only reason I'm managing to do it now is because I have a pie baking and this is keeping me awake. Perhaps I shall knit some more while the pie finishes. (Also, if you managed to make it this far, thank you for reading my venting; apparently when I don't knit enough due to stress, I have to write about why I'm not knitting).

Works in Progress