Monday, July 8, 2013

A Year of Projects-Post #1

Thanks to the join that is the internet, I have learned about the Year of Projects blog-a-thon. I've never actually joined in on a blog-a-thon before. I've thought about it but have never quite managed to make the commitment. Heck, I struggle with the concept of writing in my blog once a week among other things that I want to do. I only have so many spoons.

This is what the group page says about the Year of Projects: The Year of Projects starts on 1st July 2013 and runs to 30th June 2014. No reason for starting mid-year, other than that’s when the idea arose and we decided to do it! This isn’t a fanciful list of New Year’s Resolutions, after all.

To join in, all you have to do is come up with your list. It can be as long or as short as you like, as easy or challenging as you prefer. Some start out with the patterns they know they wanted, items languishing on their Ravelry queues. Others start with their stash, and turn the challenge into a year-long stashbusting exercise. Some have even stayed true to The Purple Purl and chosen a book to work through. It’s totally up to you.
Our regular updates are posted on our blogs on Sundays. 

I've obviously missed the first post, but to be fair, I only got around to figuring out what this thing was today after reading someone else's post. It's amazing how easily you can find things once you figure out where to look!

I've introduced myself on the forums and have looked at a couple of other blogs. It seems that there are several different ways to go about making your list. I've never really been good at making lists for projects I want to finish. I've slowly been getting rid of the parts and pieces of long forgotten projects that I know I'll never finish or touch. Purging seems to be a lot of fun sometimes, at least when it leads to more space in my craft room for yarn. Yes husband, I may have a problem. I've also realized that this means I'm going to need a bit more about blogger so I can make a page or something to refer back to my list.

My 2013-14 Year of Projects List

  •  Socks
    • I want to do at least one pair every month of the Cookie A Sock Club. They all seem to take me longer than I think they will, which is why I'm committing in writing to only finishing one pair. I hope to finish all 12 before the year is out and to start the ones for the club next year.
  • Shawls/scarfs/cowls
    • I don't really need either but there are some lovely patterns. I'd like to make myself a nice cowl for the fall/winter so I can go out and be dressed up and not have to keep track of an awkward scarf.
    • I'm definitely doing the Bigger On the Inside shawl, which will be finished in time for Chicago TARDIS.
  • Gifts
    • I really like giving gifts that I've made. I've liked the reaction that I've gotten from the gifts I've made in the past.
    • Among those gifts will be 2 baby blankets for the children of cousins. 
  • Destashing/using the hoard of yarn I own
    •  I need to work on getting through some of the yarn I have so that I can get more yarn....
  • Hat
    • As much as I love my troll hat, I have some really lovely yarns that I want to make into hats. My husband likes this idea for some reason....
  • Mittens
    • Last winter (in February-ish), I lost one of my mittens that I had made. So now I need to make a new pair for this coming winter.
  • Designing my own 
    • I've had the chance to dye some of my own yarn and it was a lot of fun. I hope to do more of that this year.
    • My husband has challenged me to design my own socks. I've got an idea in my head. Still need to figure out the logistics of it but it will be very geeky.  
Not a very exciting or detailed list but it's a big deal. If I keep things vague, I don't have to commit to a particular pattern yet! After all, it's only the first week. I can change my mind on what yarn to use on a pattern multiple times in the same hour. I hate to commit to something and feel like I can't change my mind. Though it seems that since this group is for fun, it should be okay if I don't stick to a strict list.

Finished Objects
Works in Progress


  1. Welcome to YoP. Looks like a great list, with enough breadth to be easy to achieve with some specific goals. I look forward to seeing what you make!

    1. Thank you! It's fantastic how welcoming everyone is to the group. I'm excited to have goals now instead of just haphazardly knitting!

  2. Welcome to Year of Projects .... make your list however it suits you. I have mine listed at the start of every YoP post, then I just cut and paste it week after week.

    I hope to see lots of Cookie A socks!

    1. There will definitely be lots of Cookie A socks. I have this funny feeling that I know what I'm getting for Christmas from my mom again and I can't wait! I've learned so much from the club.

      Thanks for another idea on how to make the list. :)

  3. Welcome to YoP! Last year was my first year in the group and I had a great experience. Lots of encouragement and I got a LOT done. I changed my mind on projects several times over the course of the year so no worries there. Looking forward to seeing your progress!

    1. Thank you! I'm really excited to have an actual plan instead of "I'm bored, I should knit. What will I make" which is actually how my sock knitting started! It's not a horrible plan but it takes forever to make anything that way.

  4. Welcome to the group and you have a diverse pick of patterns lined up!

  5. Welcome!! You have a great list--and in my mind can never have too may cowls or mittens--( I prefer the fingerless variety). Looking forward to getting to know you!

    1. I've never had a cowl, so I'm really excited to have one. A few years ago I was on a fingerless mitt kick, which is how I ended up with some sock yarn from Jo-Ann Fabrics. I know am much more distinguished (Husband reads that as "expensive") in my tastes for yarn. Thanks for the welcome!
