Wednesday, August 7, 2013

YOP #5 or How I was Project Monogamous for a Whole Week

I'm late on getting this week's post up. I was going to do it Sunday but that was an exhausting day with not enough sleep. There was plenty of knitting though. This last week at work, we were home to a physics conference. I spent most of my stage managing time sitting in a dark corner listening to advanced physics whooshing over my head while I worked on my Tiberius socks. I'd really hoped that they would be finished but alas, they aren't.

A friend snapped this picture of the progress on Saturday (I'd finished the heel and was starting the foot).

I've included her commentary because it amused me. I tend to be hyper-critical of myself. I see people finishing projects in a week or less. I've been working on these for a month and they aren't done yet. Perspective is nice that way. Here I've been thinking that I'm "okay" and "passable" at knitting and then a friend who has been knitting for decades tells me I have a gift. Absolutely humbling.

Last week I mentioned walking and knitting on a blanket at the same time and I was surprised at how many people can't do that. I stole the idea from a book on the history and techniques of knitting which showed some Irish women walking with peat on their back that they'd just gathered and knitting at the same time. I figure if they could do it, then so could I. These socks have been worked on while I've been walking.

I had hoped that if I worked on them, and only them, for the week, that they would be finished before our next Cookie A packet came. This didn't happen as I needed sleep. I did end up dreaming about knitting these socks in my sleep though, which probably means I was a little too intense on them. Husband says I'll be finished with them by Thursday. We'll see if that's the case though I'm thinking it won't be until Friday that they are completely off the needles. There's about 2 inches of the pattern left and then 2 inches for the toes.

There are also lots of things I need to cast on, so that's the goal for this coming week, once these socks are finished. I want to cast on two shawls and get more work done on the baby blanket. I want to be past the halfway point by Sunday, which might happen. I'm running the lights at church this weekend and I can knit during the band's rehearsal time and I've got D&D which the blanket is an awesome knitting project for as I don't have to think too hard about it. It also keeps me from building dice towers. I also want to cast on another pair of socks. I think I should always have a pair of socks going if for no other reason than socks are cool. I'd also like to use the yarn that my bonus kids gave me for Christmas, which is going to become socks.

Finished Objects

Works in Progress


  1. The socks are looking great and your so near finished. Love a bout of startitis myself and have it quite often so I can't wait to see all that hits the needles next week as you'll be finished those socks soon I reckon.

    1. Camping and family drama (teenagers are fun, really; thank God my mom didn't kill me when I was one though I wouldn't have blamed here) I didn't get anything cast on, but now I have!

  2. I think your friend's commentary is amusing too. Ravelry is great but there are some really mind-boggling knitters there to keep you humble. Sometimes an outside perspective is needed. I think the toes will go quick - after all, you're decreasing every other round :)

  3. I think the socks are looking good :) I often compare my project completion rate to those of my friends... and then I take a moment to remember I also work full time and have a family - I don't have as much time to knit as they do. I would be having stuff flying off the hooks and needles all the time if I could eliminate the need for working (which, I haven't figured out yet hehe)

  4. I also feel like all my projects take aaaages compared to everyone else's, but both my mum and MIL say I'm a quick crocheter so I don't think you are always the best judge of your own work! Those socks do look great :) I need to try crocheting while walking, maybe it isn't as hard as it sounds.

    1. Very true. My husband marvels at how quick I am. I have to remind myself that I work a 40 hour job with crazy hours and have bonus kids so there is little time to do my own thing. I figure if people can walk and use their smart phones (or at least kind of do that), knitting or crocheting should be easy! Besides, it's one of the few times that I know I can work on it. Pick an easy project though!

  5. Wow, beautiful socks! And I love your friend's comments, very funny! I would say it would take me a month to do those socks too, so don't be too hard on yourself!

    1. Thanks! There's a lot of amazing knitters in the group who finish their socks in a week or so. It boggles my mind but then I don't know what else they have going on in their life. I'm sure if I knit more because I had less to do (or if their was decent, reliable public transportation here), I'd get a lot more done too.

  6. Bold socks. I like how you're knitting away while listening to some highly intellectual physics!

    1. The socks helped me stay awake. Most of the speakers were very dry and not very good at speaking. Lots of filler words. :)
