Tuesday, July 22, 2014

YOP #2.3 or Just Keep Knitting

This last week has been a week of progress where I've just kept knitting. It was also a week full of stress at work and at home. It's fun when Husband has to travel all week for work. And that's where the knitting comes in to play.

At work, we've started a new thing where we shut down offices for an hour and get together for lunch. I can rarely make these get togethers, something to do with working in production, but I did make it one day this past week. I also brought up my knitting. One of my co-workers is also a knitter so we chatted about knitting stuff. Someone else asked what I was working on and I tossed her the first Mint Twist sock. There was much petting and ooh-ing and ahh-ing over it. This then led to a discussion of why a knitter would knit for another knitter. It was agreed that a knitter will value the work greatly and that knitters have different styles. My co-worker doesn't like fiddly things, so the lacy pattern that I'm working on would drive her nuts. I however, love working on fiddly things and knitting straight makes me sleepy.

Later in the week, I decided to binge watch Futurama after having done dishes and knitted on my Browncoat Top. It was a nice and relaxing why to end the evening. Once Husband was back home, we also sat and watched The 10th Kingdom. I used the time to continue to knit. We were over halfway through, so it was only about 4 hours or so of knitting. It was a great start to my Saturday. I didn't knit the entire time (that movie does get me to cry sometimes) but got enough process that I'm halfway through the first section.

This weekend I also volunteered at my church running the light board. I bring my knitting along with me. It helps keep me from playing with the lighting the entire time. I could tweak with the lighting all weekend. I will also knit while the pastor teaches. This also prevents me from playing around with the light board. This week was full of adventure as lighting equipment decided to freak out, so it was nice to have the knitting to recenter myself.

I know that last week I said there would be pictures, but that didn't happen. Maybe next week. I should get better at taking pictures to document my progress but I've gotten pickier about how I take pictures. I don't consistently like the pictures I take on my cell phone. I don't always have time to take a picture with the real camera and get them posted. It goes back to that whole having time thing.

Works in Progress


  1. It sounds like you can knit anywhere which is great... I hook all over the place too x

  2. It's great that you have fellow knitters at work, and what a great idea to shut down the office to get together (if your department allows for it of course).

  3. You forgot to mention you started the haptic-enhanced driving gloves last night.

    1. Nope. Didn't forget. Those go on next week's entry. I try to keep things from Sunday to Saturday and anything that happens after I want to post on Sunday goes in the next week. Unless the week is nearly over, which isn't the case here. :D

  4. Love the idea of having your own little knitting meet-up over lunch at work. Sounds like it'd really help push work thoughts to the back of mind :)

  5. Sounds like a really productive week and how lovely to have a knitting meet up during lunch time.

  6. I would love to see you post pics in your post. I'm a visual type. It did help wonderfully that you posted links to your project pages. You have great starts to these three WIPs. And what a busy week you had. I like what your work is doing with lunch breaks.
    I usually try to photograph by my windows where there's the most light. Eskimimi has two tutorials on she photographs her work. She used white poster board for a clean background.
