Monday, October 28, 2013

YOP #17 or The Wonders and Magic of Colorwork

This week I got to play with colors! It's been fun. But first....

I have officially finished Waves of Love. It's been off the needles for a while but it's now been blocked and the ends woven in. I'm very, very happy with how it's turned out especially since I did so many things wrong on it. What did I do wrong? Every single purl stitch on here is wrong as are the yarn overs. It still looks amazing. This is a gift, so I hope the recipient likes it.

In last week's post, I wrote about the Police Box. I kept dropping stitches. Saturday night, I've gotten it to the same place I was the previous Sunday. While I'm glad that I now am doing yarn overs correctly, so that this will look amazing, I'm kind of annoyed with how fussy lace work is turning out to be. I am loving the color and the yarn.

On the other Doctor Who-inspired project, I've made good progress. The cuff is done and I've started the leg. This is my first colorwork project. I'm learning (sort of) how to juggle different yarns without it becoming a huge mess. My yarn is only a small mess most of the time. I'm spending a lot of time untwisting the yarn because I don't know a better way. Hopefully I'll figure something out by the time I get to the next sock. I'm also using this as part of the Sock Knitter's Anonymous October Sockdown.  The sockdown is a personal challenge to learn new techniques or knit a pattern by a new designer. Earlier this year Cookie A was one of the featured designers so I knit a pair of socks for that one. I made it just under the wire and it felt good to do it. I'm excited for this month's. I have until the end of November to finish for the sockdown and to be finished for the designer who's pattern I'm test knitting.

The other colorwork project is for Husband. I had thought about keeping it a secret from him but I'm really bad at keeping secrets when I'm excited about something. Knit Purl Hunter has hosted a Mystery Knit Along this month. I started it last week, which is still plenty of time to finish it. I've already got the first section done and will be starting the second section either today or tomorrow. The best part is that when I pulled out the yarn to show Husband, he remarked on how those were the perfect colors for him. He said this before he knew that I was using it to make something for him. He wasn't too sure that he could get away with wearing a cowl but I think he'll really like it once it's done. It's also inspired me to make a cowl for myself and my sister.

Finished Objects

Works in Progress


  1. Waves of love is lovely and clearly the mistakes are a design feature as I wouldn't be able to tell! Your colourwork is gorgeous :-)

  2. Great colorwork. I like the contrast of the bright orange and the dark blue. The shawl is lovely, like a gentle moth fluttering by candlelight.

  3. Waves of love is gorgeous and great colourwork projects.
