Sunday, September 8, 2013

YOP #10 or Another Week with Nothing Finished

When you write in the middle of the week, Sunday comes around quickly. It seems like only a few days ago that I did an update....

No new finishes this week. I started off the "year" really strong with 3 projects right away and now it's slowed down. It probably helps that 1 of those projects was mostly finished and the other one had a week deadline. I'm reading about the lovely things that other people are finishing and I really want to be done NOW with all the I can cast on more projects.

This week was very intensive on Fuzzy and the Test Socks. Last night when I measured Fuzzy, it was around 28" long. Of course, I've probably added another couple of inches since last night as Fuzzy is currently the Once Upon A Time project. We're watching one episode a night with the bonus daughters, which gives me about 45 minutes work on it. This is usually enough to add about 4 rows a knit. I also work on it when Husband and I watch movies together. It's nice and mindless. And it's growing. I'm nearly done with the 3rd skein. This means that I'm 3/4 of the way done. Or 3/5 of the way done if I want to use up 5 skeins for the project. I'm still undecided on the matter.

Waves of Love got some attention last night while I kept Husband company dealing with emails. It's taking longer and longer to finish a row as each row adds at least 2 stitches. It makes sense but it seems to take forever. I'm nearly done with the first section though, which I'm happy about. Hopefully one of these projects will be off the needles sooner rather than later so I can cast on Bigger on the Inside shawl.

Test Socks are my travel project. I'm loving them and have a feeling I'll be making a pair for myself as well. I think the ones I make for myself will be closer to knee socks as the ribbing makes the socks very squishy. This project is yet a constant reminder of how much I love indigodragonfly yarns and my mom. Mom bought us membership to Cookie A's sock club and the first yarn was from indigodragonfly. It's a joy to work with and I'm hoping my friend will love how they feel on her feet. These are being knit two at a time. The legs are past the halfway point already. I may need to be mostly project monogamous this week to finish them by next Sunday though. I did get to work on them at work today during a concert and I have another event on Thursday where I'll get to sit and work on them.

My poor Tulip sock has been sitting abandoned this week. Once the Test Socks are completely, I'm sure I'll be working hard on those.

Of the four projects I currently have going, only one is for me and that one has gotten the least amount of time lately. I suppose that means I'm feeling the need to give right now which might explain why I want things finished.

Finished Objects

Works in Progress


  1. Love your projects and the tulip socks are SO pretty! I'm going to have to look into that Unger Fluffy yarn as the blanket looks so soft. Plus, I want to go see about the sock club....or dare I? LOL! Have a good week!

    1. The blanket is very soft. If you really like the color, I've got about 6 more skeins of the yarn I got from a yarn swap. I'm sure I could easily part with a few of them. :)

      The sock club is addictive but so much fun! Mom and I are already talking about joining again next year.

  2. Can't wait to see Fuzzy and Test Socks, some weeks are just like that no finishes but wip's and that's hard. Now the children have gone back to school my finishing has diminished and I seem to be just on wip's.

    1. Shouldn't you be finishing more things with the children not around as they are at school? :)

  3. The blanket sounds like it's coming on well! And I look forward to seeing the test socks when you can share! The indiodragonfly yarn sounds amazing, and I am very jealous of the Cookie A sock club membership!

    1. I love all of the indigodragonfly yarn. I may have a mild addiction but it's soooo nice to work with!

  4. Love your fruity socks! Can't wait to see the test socks.
