Thursday, April 17, 2014

YOP #40-41 or One more down and pictures speak louder

I finished another item this past week. The second dog of three. I managed to drop off the first two while I start on the 3rd one. I may have misplaced a needle.... It has been found though. As celebration, I took a lot of pictures of things I've finished since the start of 2014 to show off.

Here Fishy, Fishy the Second

Grandma Tam: Blocking and Post Blocking

Matching Neck Hugger

Alpaca Tam: At an auction



There are currently only 2 WIPs in my midst. I'm actually making progress on the TARDIS shawl. I'm nearly done with the heel for the pair of socks I'm working on, which is my first sock design (and really, my first knitting design). Now if only spring would come....

Finished Objects

Works in Progress



  1. Oh, much progress - I love your tams and the dogs are great.

  2. Wow, you've done a ton! Those little dogs are such characters! They seem very lifelike! Spring is coming ... it may have snowed here over the last couple of days, but there are definitely tulips starting to poke their way through the soil of my garden!
