Tuesday, March 25, 2014

YOP #38 or Progress Equals Happiness

I may have delayed this post by a couple of days just so I could say I had finished something. No pictures of anything yet that has been finished during the last month or so but that will happen soon (I hope).

Much thanks to everyone who cheered my up with last week's entry. It's very easy to be hard on myself, which I believe is true for everyone. It's much harder to look at the things I've accomplished or to give myself a break because it's been busy at work and home. There is such as a thing as too exhausted to knit.

Last night I finished my Blood Orange Newtons. They are very lovely. I can't wait to take some nice pictures of them to show off. I'm very proud of them. It's also the 4th Cookie A 2013 Sock Club pattern that I've finished. I can't decide if I should wait and see what the second set of 2014 patterns look like (it's only a week or so away I believe) before casting on a new pair of socks or just cast something on and knit them. I want to use this yarn the bonus kids got me as a Christmas gift but I think it's going to be best suited for plain vanilla socks due to the way it's been dyed. In theory, that shouldn't take me too long to make. I don't know if it's yarn that I could do intentional pooling on or not. I can no longer remember what it looked like in skein form though I believe the color repeats would be rather short. It's also 100% wool, which I read a lot of people will avoid making socks out of as they are prone to wearing out faster.

I cast on another of Grandma's Tams. This one is double stranded fingering weight alpaca. Should I get it done in time, I'm going to donate it as a silent auction item for a fundraiser at church. If it doesn't get done in time, I guess it'll become the start of my stock for selling. I'm about halfway done with it and I'm very happy with how it's turning out and with how quickly I'm making progress on it.

The shawl is still...stuck. I did realize that I can probably figure out where I am by counting the rows past the decrease. It just doesn't sound very pleasant. Nor do I think it's something I can do with bonus kids around who are on their spring break (and therefore, apparently, must be entertained. It's cute how they think Husband and I shouldn't work so that we can spend time with them).

There is progress on the second dog, Trip. Pointers apparently have very long necks and bodies. Sewing on the belly is easier now that I've done one but still taking forever since it's so long. I think the order I've done the dogs in has been the correct one. At least I hope so. There is still a Beagle to make and I hope that it will easier. If nothing else, there should be less stranded knitting on that one.

The goal for next week is to have pictures of everything that I've yet to take pictures of and post them here. And maybe to have one or two more finished objects.

Finished Objects

Works in Progress


  1. I just read this post and the one before it and my personal opinion is...You Are Being Way Too Hard On Yourself...! :) I think most of us knitters do this at times to ourselves but then we eventually calm down and remember why we knit in the first place: pleasure, the joy of creating, the love of good fiber, and the feeling of calmness and centeredness we achieve when our needles get going! Don't sell your yarn! You have a long life to live with many more knitting years to come --you will want that yarn some day. Besides, what if there is an apocolypse and we can't get yarn readily? :) :) I can't wait to see some photos of what you are knitting--and when your projects are all a bit too complicated feeling, cast on a dishcloth and do some easy knitting!
    Have a wonderful week-

  2. You've got a nice variety goin' on here. And it seems there is great progress. Yay!
