Monday, February 25, 2013

Derby socks

While I've received a shipment of yarn from the Cookie A sock club, I've not yet touched it. Why would I not touch this amazing yarn?
2013-02-18 21.56.04
This photo doesn't do justice to the amazing color.

This is why:

Even though I knew the yarn had been shipped, I didn't know when it would arrive. To keep myself from going too crazy after being frustrated with a hat I was working on, I decided to make something out of a book my husband got me for Christmas. After flipping through the book, I decided I wanted to make the socks. This shouldn't come as a surprise as I've been on a sock knitting kick though I'm not sure I can call two completed pairs a kick yet. I thankfully had bought some fun yarn before Christmas that I hadn't quite decided what to make with it.

I finished the first sock on Friday evening. I was worried that it wouldn't turn out right. While I was knitting it, I couldn't see the pattern so I wasn't sure that I was doing it right. Thankfully the pattern was visible and correct once it was put on.

It took a while to get it started. I used the magic loop method and things were simply awkward. It's not the first time I've used the method but I still find it awkward with the loops on each side. Everything likes to try to twist around on the needles. Even when knitting on double pointed needles, the first inch or so is awkward. There's a bit of a gap in the cuff on each side but it seems to go away with the pattern. It's a nice pattern and had a good rhythm to it. I was worried I'd get bored knitting an over the knee sock. Thankfully I didn't.

Saturday I started the second sock and have already started the main pattern. At this point, only 7 more times through the 6 rounds and I'll be over half way down with it! My goal is to have it finished by Saturday morning. I'm tempted to crochet a row of red on the top so that the top and bottom edges match which would be a bit odd for me. I'm not known for matching things.

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