Wednesday, September 3, 2014

YOP #2.9 or Yarn Fixes Everything

I confess that I haven't knit a lot this week. I blame Ingress. As none of my knitting projects have been happy lately, it's much easier to play Ingress as I walk into work (when my phone decides that it knows where I am) than to knit.

I did find time to work on my new sock. It's called Girl on Fire and is one of the August Cookie A sock patterns. I'm using the club yarn which is very yummy and lovely. I had a doctor's appointment on Friday and they ended up wanting to draw some blood. I hate needles. I've nearly passed out watching blood being drawn from our llamas. Last year, I discovered that if I was petting yarn with the other hand, I didn't feel ill afterwards. So this year, Girl on Fire came with me and I plunged my hand into the bag when it came time to have blood drawn. It turned out that the tech was also a knitter! She asked me about how I organize my projects and when she was done, she asked to see the yarn. It definitely left me with a high note for the morning.

Browncoat has also been worked on. Sunday night, after that day's Renaissance festival, we sat and watched "Howl's Moving Castle" while I worked on the top. I nearly finished the lace section in that sitting even though I had to take breaks. Something about being really tired.

I also managed to sell 2 skeins of yarn this past week. One off of my stash page and another to a friend who was looking for a good gift for someone out at fest. And that's how I spent 30 minutes chatting about knitting at the Renaissance festival and was "late" getting back to my booth. I have another knitting buddy who I now plan to see outside of fest.

Thanks to everyone for their comments over the last couple of weeks. I've been a little extra ADOS lately so I've yet to sit down and respond to all of them. They make me smile to read though. I'm also impressed with myself for getting a post written every week even if it's not always on Sunday. Baby steps!

Works in Progress


  1. Sounds like your making progress even if it's not as much as normal and how fun to find more fibery friends to chat with and see.

  2. It sounds as though your projects are coming along nicely and that is a great idea for distracting yourself!

  3. Girl on Fire sounds like a great name for a colourway! I always take knitting along to doctors appointments - there's always so much waiting that may as well be knitting time.

  4. I've not done much either this week, infact for the last couple of weeks really. As much as I love it sometimes other stuff takes over like LIFE!! I'm not gonna even take a look at ingress else I will not get any hooking done until after Christmas x
