Sunday, October 5, 2014

YOP #2.13-14 or Sickness Wins

I've managed to not accomplish a lot in the last two weeks. To add to it, I came down with the same crud the rest of the family has had so my desire to knit (and blog for that matter) is very low. I've thought about knitting a few times but have gotten no further than pulling out a project bag.

On top of that, I'm stuck on my Browncoat. I don't understand the following directions:

Begin Neck Edge
Bind off 8(8,8,9,9,9) stitches at the beginning of the next two rows. Bind off 2 stitches at each neck edge 4 times. Decrease 1 sts at each neck edge every RS row 8(8,8,10,10,10) times.

And at the same time when piece measures 12”(12”,12.5”, 13”,12.5”,12.5”,12.5”) you will divide for front and back. At this point you can add additional balls of yarn for the back and 2 nd front and work all three sections at once, or work each section separately as written.

Divide for Front & Back
With RS facing. Break yarn. Slip sts to first side marker
onto holder (front right). Remove marker and attach yarn.

If I knit until the piece measures 12.5", it's going to be longer than the schematic shows once I block it out. The lace section at the bottom is suppose to be 8" and mine is just over 6". I've checked my gauge with the main section of the top and that's correct.

If I knit until the piece would measure 12.5" when blocked (assuming I can get 8" out of the lace section) that means only 1/2" left which isn't enough times to do the neck edge decrease. Do I continue doing them after I divide for the front and back? I don't know.

I have emailed the designer because I really like this piece and I don't want to have to ground it.

Hopefully I'll get over this sickness and start knitting something again soon. I'm a little baffled that it's October and I've yet to finish anything!

Works in Progress


  1. Sorry your feeling so bleh, hoping the designer gets back to you, are there notes in anyone elses project that could perhaps clear it up for you?

    1. I found one project with a note that this wasn't a good design for a beginner but it's so lovely! I did hear back from the designer who was very nice. I think it makes sense not though I promised Husband I would work on his gloves again.

  2. It does sound quite confusing, I hope the designer gets back to you. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. She did get back to me, which was awesome. The sickness also seems to be dying down as I'm working on Husband's gloves!

  3. Wow those are some wordy instructions! Let us know if you hear back!

    1. I did indeed hear back! We'll see if I make any progress and if her note back is actually helpful.
