Monday, August 25, 2014

YOP #2.8 or What Do You Mean It's the End of August??

This past week has been amazingly light on knitting. There was a lot of fun at work (I do mean this sincerely) while I attended some tech classes. I made connections and learned all kinds of fun lighting things. I didn't haul my knitting around. This is probably mostly because I was still annoyed with all of my knitting projects.

It's also been stupid hot and humid. We've not had a lot of it this summer but it definitely doesn't encourage me to knit.

I did clean my craft room, which was long overdue. Between parties and searching for things and home improvement projects, things just kept getting shoved into the room. I spent Saturday evening cleaning it up and it's lovely again! There may have been yarn petting as well....

Once the room was clean, I also decided to cast on one of the August Cookie A projects. I'd love to be able to finish it before the next shipment but it's ALREADY THE LAST WEEK OF THE MONTH!! How did that happen? I've not knit nearly enough things nor have a read everyone's everything (blog posts, forum posts, etc.). At least my anxiety is more in control otherwise I might actually be freaking out right now.

Last night, we went out and saw the Guardians of the Galaxy and on the way to the movie theater, I did knit a row and a bit of the Browncoat Top. Less than 3 rows and the lace section will be done! According to the diagram, this is suppose to be 8" long. I did a swatch and got the right gauge but this isn't 8". I'm hoping it blocks out to be that long...

Works in Progress


  1. Blocking will give the inches, it always seems to anyway. Where did that month go, it still feels like I only started August, good luck getting your socks done.

  2. I know, August has just flown by, hasn't it, but yay for tidying the craft room. If it's anything like mine that's a big project in itself!

  3. Yay for you tidying up the craft room, I always start and then get distracted by all things I want to craft! And I totally get not knitting much when it's stupid hot and humid, though I'm wishing that it could be a bit warmer where I'm at.. Good luck with the Browncoat Top, I hope it'll come out the right size in the end!
