Monday, May 12, 2014

YOP #44 or Already Another Week Down

It doesn't feel like it has been a productive week. Nothing is finished and I feel like I spent a lot of time not knitting. I have no idea what I did do but I certainly don't think it was spent knitting. Even though it didn't feel very productive, I did get progress made.

The TARDIS shawl has half a TARDIS on it! Technically it has half of 15 TARDISes as there are 15 repeats of the pattern. I feel like it will be done sooner rather than later. Blocking is going to be the fun part. I'm still new at blocking shawls and this one is much lacier than the last one I made.

After I posted last week, I went ahead and finished the "vanilla" sock (I really do need a better name for it!). I've also cast on the second sock and have made it about halfway down the leg.

No progress on the little sock. I haven't picked it up all week.

I hope to cast on another pair of socks this week, this time for a friend's birthday. She liked the color and the pattern and while she knits, she is intimidated by socks (she's a very, very loose knitter). She's made me several things over the years so I'd love to make something for her now.

Finished Objects

Works in Progress


  1. Blocking is sometimes when a lacy shawl really comes to life, looking forward to seeing the Tardis. Your friend will really love and appreciate the socks so and what a great gift.

    1. I have learned that blocking can make a huge difference on a project. I use to not block my socks and then bought blockers to block a pair that I was entering into the state fair. It made such a difference! I've just not blocked anything so lacy before and was once told to block it using wire but didn't have a chance to ask for more details! I guess that's why there's the internet. :)

  2. Fifteen half Tardises! Sounds like quite a wide repeat, so it's awesome to see any visible progress.

    A word of caution about knitting socks for friends, before you know it they'll ONLY want socks for birthdays and Christmases :)

    1. Having been a hand knit sock receiver before, I completely understand that word of caution!

  3. Socks definitely can be addicting both for the knitting and the receiver!

  4. Can't wait to see the shawl. I am new to blocking as well and still love the way it opens up with a few pins!
