I've successfully made mittens, gloves and scarfs. I've attempted to make arm warmers that have so far turned out to be too big or too small. This is when I learned all about gauge and why it is Important. I debated making yet another set of arm warmers but couldn't find a pattern that I really liked and don't yet trust my own abilities. So, when I pulled out the sock yarn that I had intended to use as arm warmers, I decided it was past time for me to learn how to knit socks.
The yarn came with a handy pattern on the inside of the label. So far, I've only had to restart.....several times. At first I decided to be clever and use the internet for a pattern but they weren't helpful for the supplies (and gauge) I had. My husband happens to own a set of 4 size 2 double pointed needles, which is the size I decided I am going to work in as my double pointed needles that I can find are much larger. At first I attempted to find a pattern that would work with the yarn and the needles I had but I eventually gave in and am using the pattern on the yarn. It just so happens that the needles allow for the right gauge size for the sock. This trying different patterns has meant quite a bit of restarting.
The other main reason I've had to restart is because of the needles. I don't have caps for them and they are metal. The stitches have kept slipping off! I'm hoping that by gingerly carrying them with me, that they will decide to stay on the needles so I don't have to restart.
Another issue I'm having is the yarn. I've had this yarn for...too many years. Four years? Something like that. Good intentions and all that. I had some wool moths a while back and while it appears that this yarn is okay, I'm paranoid as I keep finding little breaks in it. Of course, it's 4-ply, light-weight yarn which probably has just as much to do with it.
These socks will certainly have character. I simply have to finish both of them first. Right now, I should focus on getting past the cuff of the first one.